Approximately half of all UK businesses have been targeted by cyber criminals.
Ensuring that your business is protected is a major concern, particularly as the cyber threats are constantly evolving and becoming increasingly complex and sophisticated.
At this free conference for Lincolnshire businesses, hosted by the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire and Business Lincolnshire, you will hear from industry experts, the Police and the Banking Sector about the latest cyber security threats and how to harness the most up-to-date tools to mitigate your business’s exposure.
Tips from police experts on how businesses can mitigate their exposure
- Advice from the banking industry on how to protect yourself from financial frauds and scams
- Information on what to do if your organisation is attacked
- Live demonstrations from ethical hackers
- Password security tips
- The implications of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
- A Q&A session with conference speakers
Protect your business and book your place NOW.
08:45 – Registration, Drinks & Networking
09:15 – Welcome & Introduction: Marc Jones, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire
09:25 – Victoria Atkins MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability and Minister for Women
09:45 – Tony Blake, Take Five to Stop Fraud Representative and Senior Fraud Prevention Officer
10:10 – Stuart Green, Managing Director and Cyber Security Specialist, SJG Digital
10:50 – Refreshment Break
11:10 – David Benford, Director, Blackstage Forensics
11:50 – Rob Pugh, East Midlands Special Operations Unit, Cyber Crime Unit
12:20 – Calum Murray and Catherine Livesey, Customer Secuirty Team, NatWest
12:40 – Stuart McFarlane-Bedford, Digital Development Business Support Programme Leader, Business Lincolnshire
13:05 – Q&A Session
13:30 – Lunch & Networking
14:30 – Close
Attendance is free of charge and places are limited so be sure to book yours today.
Please note we are only able to offer up to 2 places per company. To qualify for this funded support, your business must be a small to medium enterprise (SME) based in Greater Lincolnshire. Apologies, no support intermediaries or public bodies.
These workshops are available for businesses, partnerships, sole traders, and registered charities, with a trading address located within Greater Lincolnshire (North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire & Lincolnshire).
To access these workshops, your business must complete an SME enrolment form in order to check the business’s eligibility against the funding criteria. (The form will be sent to you on completion of an Eventbrite booking - if one has not already been completed and on file).
This briefing is being organised in partnership with the Lincolnshire Police. By registering to attend you give your consent for the booking data to be shared with them.