This is your chance to be an advocate for Digital Lincoln and Lincoln's wider Digital community.

Digital Lincoln events don’t happen without the dedication of our voluntary Team, and we’re now looking to grow the Team to help bring better quality events to our community.

Getting involved with a Team like ours is great for self development, and can be used to grow your experience in committees (leading to more structured board roles in the future), to grow our sector to keep talent in our area and create more jobs, or you can join just because you want to give back to the community!

Whatever your motivation for getting involved, we’d love to hear from you. We have a number of roles open, each one is voluntary but with minimal time commitment each month.

If you want to get involved with any of these roles, please click the button below to get in touch!

Event Coordinator

Responsibilities include liaising with and securing speakers, arranging event dates and gathering speaker materials to be passed onto the marketing coordinator, keeping updated on event sign up numbers and liaising with Marketing on progress (so they can ramp up marketing activity if needed), gathering feedback from delegates on the events and liaising with the venue.

The time commitment is 3-4 hours a month including team meetings and event attendance.

Marketing Coordinator

Responsibilities include updating our meet-up page, Slack and website, promoting the events via our mailing list and social media, maintaining posted content by replying to comments and questions and measuring engagement and performance to inform future marketing activities.

The time commitment is 3-4 hours a month including team meetings and event attendance.


Responsibilities include sending out team meeting reminders, taking notes in team meetings, circulating and following up on action items to ensure they are completed.

We have an interim secretary but will be looking to refill this post in the coming months. 

The time commitment is 3-4 hours a month including team meetings and event attendance.


Digital Lincoln Ambassadors allow our biggest fans to support us without making a specific time commitment. It’s perfect for those who regularly attend our events and/or have a strong network in the tech and digital sector.

You’ll be responsible for supporting Digital Lincoln events by doing things such as: 

  • using your network to feed in speaker ideas;

  • supporting in-person events when needed;

  • helping to promote the events via your own networks.

There is no time commitment to this, so you can help as much or as little as you are able to!

If you want to get involved with any of these roles, please click the button below to get in touch!